In The Wild

In The Wild is a popular nature television series produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation from 1976 until 1981. It was hosted by Harry Butler, a noted Australian naturalist and environmental consultant. The re-runs of In The Wild continued to play into the 1990s. With a hand-on style, the show could be seen as a predecessor to the Steve Irwin/Crocodile Hunter style of nature television.


  1. Anything Was Better
  2. As We Live
  3. Raised By Wolves
  4. In The Mirror
  5. Kiss The Ground
  6. Jailbird
  7. The Hard Way
  8. My Heart
  9. Let ‘Em Go
  10. Worst For Me
  11. Burdens
  12. Love Never Dies
  13. Afterthought
  14. Alien

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The Interrupters - Anything Was Better Lyric Video

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Format Vinyl LP Album Limited Edition Stereo (White)
Label Hellcat Records
Catalog Number 0543-1
Notes White (EU/UK indie store exclusive)
Discogs URL The Interrupters - In The Wild