
A monochrome or monochromatic image, object or palette is composed of one color (or values of one color). Images using only shades of grey are called grayscale (typically digital) or black-and-white (typically analog). In physics, monochromatic light refers to electromagnetic radiation that contains a narrow band of wavelengths, which is a distinct concept.


  1. The Exorcist (6:43)
  2. This Music (4:50)
  3. Soho (7:39)
  4. The Silent Flight Of The Raven Winged Hours (9:03)
  5. Dawn (2:42)
  6. Oceans Of Time (8:14)
  7. Some Dreams Come True (8:34)

Apple Music


Daniel Cavanagh - This Music from Monochrome

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Format Vinyl 2× LP Album
Label Kscope
Catalog Number KSCOPE945
Notes Anneke van Giersbergen appears courtesy of InsideOut Music. Illustrations by Danny Branscombe (, layout by Danny with Scott at Kscope Many thanks to my beloved anathema family. Dedicated to Ariel & Ester ℗ 2017 Daniel Cavanagh © 2017 Daniel Cavanagh. Issued under exclusive licence from Daniel Cavanagh to Snapper Music Ltd. Kscope is a Snapper Music label. Cat. No: KSCOPE 945 Barcode 802644894515. Made in the EU.
Discogs URL Danny Cavanagh - Monochrome