Mr. Robot: Volume 1 (Original Television Series Soundtrack)


Position Title
A1 1.0_1-Hellofriend.Wav
A2 1.0_2-Oneincontrol.Aiff
A3 1.0_3-Fucksociety.Mp3
A4 1.0_4-M0rphine.Aac
A5 1.0_5-Pierreloti.Au
A6 1.0_6-Leavem3here.Flac
A7 1.0_7-waitfortheQ.ogg
B8 1.0_8-Whatsyourask.M4p
B9 1.0_9-Flipper.Bwf
B10 1.1_1-One6away.Caf
B11 1.1_2-Wearefsociety.Sd2
B12 1.1_3-Oneor0.Wma
B13 1.1_4-Hateurself.Ra
B14 1.1_5-Illusionofchoice.Mp3
C15 1.1_6-Believe-In-Erasing.Au
C16 1.2_1-IwillbeCTO.m4p
C17 1.2_2-Humanpunchingbag.Aiff
C18 1.2_3-Therealshayla.Wav
C19 1.3_1-Ichosethis.Ogg
C20 1.3_2-Everyrev0lution.Ra
C21 1.3_3-Betterthanm0rphine.Aac
D22 1.3_4-Allsafevirus.Bwf
D23 1.3_5-Da3m0nsneverstop.Caf
D24 1.4_1-Squ4rewiththeuniverse.Wma
D25 1.4_2-Impenetrable.Sd2
D26 1.4_3-Billharper.Mp3
D27 1.4_4-Exploitingtyrell.Wav
D28 1.4_5-Revenge1syourweakn3ss.Ra
D29 1.4_6-N0execution.Au

Apple Music

Release Images

Release Information

Key Value
Format 2× Vinyl (White) LP, Album
Label Invada
Catalog Number INV160LP
Notes Gatefold sleeve, printed with false pricing sticker from the “Mr Robot” store for $7.99 and code “683 898”. Release comes with: Double Sided Printed Insert 11" x 22" Poster Download Card for digital version (choice of formats, via bandcamp) If purchased direct from Invada with Vol.2, included an additional extremely limited 12"x12" lithograph art print.
Discogs URL Mac Quayle - Mr. Robot: Volume 1 (Original Television Series Soundtrack)